3 games simultanously
Well, at the moment I am devloping three games simultanously:
- Hellchess (together with Martin). A Simple-Chess-Game
- LD-Roads! A 3D-Game I started on Ludumdare13 but was not able to finish something that looks like a game
- “War of the Cryptides” A board-game I started on miniLD#7. I was quite good in time but made the mistake to visit a party after day1!
Actually LD-Roads was really a mess! Full of bugs! Unplayable (although some brave guys tried it! Thx for that) Nevertheless I wanted to break out of my usualy way “begin a lot finish nothing” and so I decided to finish LD-Roads so it looks like a real game. Well, the gameplay is still a mess, but nevetheless you know what to do!