Found my baby, Wood Games 3D

My baby, Wood Games 3D, is not available in google play anymore (for some time now), because I did not respond to some messages because of some new playstore regulations to which you had to answer. Actually this is quite sad. I created it with the libgdx-java library creating a nice blender to libgdx-pipeline. Even though I still have the sourcecode (somewhere) but it won't be super easy to create an apk.

But, I found it in one of those stores that release your apk without you even knowing. Now I'm thankful for that :D

To the game:

And I still do love the trailer :D.

Can still remember how you did compete against a million of "cat-image-application" at these days :D Still unbelievable that you were on top of the game's category list after every update you published....but as I was saying, 1min after uploading, 10 "image"-apps (that were only showing one image rofl) kicked you out of the top10 and 10min later you were invisible again.

reminder: I really should revive some kind of games-page...

EDIT: Oh my,...I just found old stuff of wood games and even played it again, and I do love it. And I just is a shame that it is basically dead...I invested much work, fun and hate into it at these days... let's start 'Project: Revive Wood Games' even though I was planning to do something else this weekend...