Ok,…actually I should already be in bed as I will leave quite early in the morning via Frankfurt/Hahn to Berlin. There is the Bigjam a meeting of independend gamedevelopers (and me). I’m quite curious about it and actually I don’t know what to expect.
I setup something like a skeleton-project that I can use for starting game-developing as they do 3h-game-compos I don’t finish in 48h, so why not in 3!?
Nevertheless here is a last screenshot of the “Meteor Romance” a project I started some days ago. Actually you can do much right now. You can steer the girl(orange) or the boy(max) and swithc different movement-types:waling,running,sneaking. I want the game to be something like a two player jump&run riddle ala goonies (c64 version). We’ll see. Have a look here: