jME-Week #1 ended

The first jME-Week has ended and I’m ,as the organizator, a bit disappointed. Alltogether we were only 4 people that participated. Two (core_dump and me) published something playable, kine and mazander started but didn’t finish but showed some screenshots. Ok,..I know maybe the pyWeek model is not so compatible to the jME-World as thought. Too much time is needed for stuff that actually has nothing to do with the game. Maybe we should have made clearer instructions to ignore that and just to implement a game. No pause, no restart, no highscore.

Here are some screenshots:








Last to say. Every start is hard. Maybe I should think about another model. Erlend_sh said to organize a compo at the end of the month but I’m at the moment a bit exhausted in participationg in compos and don’t think I will take part. And there will be an mini-ld as well. Even don’t know if I want to start there. Maybe it is the time to start a real project not only as usual a prototype. First I have to finish planning a friend’s bachelor’s day on the weekend and after that I have time to concentrate on helping blaine with his jME-Exporter (now called Hott-BJ) and start my project.