RPG-Engine still active
Well,…due to some problems I had to cancel even the tech-demo for the 48h-RPG-Compo but started reactivated the RPG-Engine yesterday.
Features that are implemented up to now:
- free movement on terrain and additional walkable objects (e.g. bridges)
- free choice of view. (that was actually implemented by the strategichandler of jme-commons)
- object interaction. certain objects can interact with each other. e.g. if a given object is closer than a certain distance a trigger can be called.
- different states for objects that are part of the world. States can have transition animations
- If falling from a bridge the object is really falling. Not just takinjg the surface’s y-coord.
- It is not possible to take any height anymore. A ray in front and backwards is testing about the elevation. (only up)
Still to do:
- communication system
- fighting system
- scripting for logic (lowest priority)
- NPC-logic (walking)
- daylight / night
- Plot-Engine
- …..