Now that if finished the ld-road I am thinking of what to do next. Ok, there are still the chess- and cryptide-projects, but in near future I have lots of things I want to learn or do minimum some tutorials or even use it in a LD:
- As I saw in the ludumdare-competitions lots of people use python and pygame for their project. Never did anything with python, but that made me think of using it one time in a LD as well.
- C# using mono for crossplattform compatibility. Usally I was not think of C# cause it meant windows-only (for me). But with Mono it is possible to execute .net 2-executables as well on linux. So why not to give it a try.
- Blender modelling. At the moment I use milkshape for modelling that is exactly what I need for my purpose. But blender as much more features and is a renderer as well. So why not make a small nice animated 3d-clip!? Or use the python-based 3d-engine!?
- jMonkeyEngine. Well, I already started with that but I am still at the very beginning. I would say, now I can start with really exploring this world of java based 3d-programming.
- Keyboard(music)-Playing. I started last year with buying me a nice keyboard. I learned it for some month but lost my way. I want to restart my music career!
cause it is real fun! Maybe try to compose some a track with reaper!
- 3D-Game for the Nintendo DS with the Nitro-Engine
- J2ME-Handy game! Maybe alternatively Android!
- Write a mozilla-firefox-plugin in XUL
- Using wicket for writing a java webapplication
This list will grow,…I’m sure! Hopefully I will really finish one of my TODOs! We will see….