If developing with xtext you usually test your DSL in an runtimeEclipse-Version that you start from within eclipse. Once you have a stable state of your plugin, you will want to make it available to the public.

Do this:

  • In Eclipse: XText generates 3+ Folders for you at the beginning. Locate the one with the .sdk-postfix. "e.g. org.tt.mysdl.sdk"

  • Right-Click on Project => NEW => Plug-in Development => Catergory Definition

  • In the category.xml-Editor => New Category (give it a random name. e.g. MyPlugins )

  • Select the category.

  • Add Feature => Locate you .sdk and add it

  • Right-Click on the feature.xml-file => Export => Plug-in Development=>Deployable features=>NEXT

  • Choose a destination-folder, in which the eclipse update-site will be created

  • Options => Check Categorize Repository and browse to the category.xml we just created.

  • Hit FINISH

Now we successfully create a local eclipse update-site.

If you now want to install your plugin in eclipse:

  • HELP => Install New Software => ADD => Give it a name (e.g. MyPlugins-LOCAL) and press "Local..."
  • Select your Folder
  • You should see your category which has one child - your plugin
  • Select your Plugin => Next => Finish


  1. It seems that those plugin-sites are cached heavily. So if some changes are not getting visible, restart eclipse.
  2. If you already installed one plugin somewhere, and change something, do not forget to change the version-number