ZeroMQ - Fun Part II

In this sample:

  • send data directly from target to service1
  • send data from service2 to target and back

import org.junit.Test;
import org.zeromq.ZContext;
import org.zeromq.ZMQ;
import org.zeromq.ZMsg;

 * Here I will keep some tests to understand the behaviour of ZMQ-Socket-Types
 * @author dertom95
public class ZMQBTo2Dealers2 {

	private static void doProxy(ZMQ.Socket from, ZMQ.Socket to) {
		ZMsg msg = ZMsg.recvMsg(from);

	public void testBoundRountTo2Dealers() {
		// create one context for each logical section to "simulate" different
		// computers

		// ------------ setup target -----------------------
		ZContext ctxTarget = new ZContext();

		ZMQ.Socket target = ctxTarget.createSocket(ZMQ.ROUTER);
		// give the socket an identity. this name will be used as address if
		// this socket connects to a router.
		// this is important if you want to route to a socket that didn't
		// contact you before

		// ------------ setup proxy -------------------------
		ZContext ctxProxy = new ZContext();

		ZMQ.Socket dealer = ctxProxy.createSocket(ZMQ.DEALER);
		// give the dealer an identity. here it is actually important
		ZMQ.Socket proxy = ctxProxy.createSocket(ZMQ.ROUTER);

		// ----------- setup service ----------------------
		ZContext ctxServices = new ZContext();
		ZMQ.Socket service1 = ctxServices.createSocket(ZMQ.DEALER);
		// give the dealer an identity. here it is actually important

		ZMQ.Socket service2 = ctxServices.createSocket(ZMQ.DEALER);
		// give the dealer an identity. here it is actually important

		// ------------ actions -----------------------------

		// send data from server over the proxy to service1

		// let's create the message and tell which way it should go.
		// 1. go to socket that's identity is 'dealer' on the first
		// router-socket
		// 2. go to socket that's identity is 'service1' on the 2nd
		// router-socket
		// 3. Give it the data and send this to target.
		// target-socket is our start-socket which is a router
		// this will pop the first line of our msg ('dealer') and checks if
		// there
		// is a socket called 'dealer' known to the router. If yes pass the rest
		// of
		// the message (without the 'dealer'-address) to this socket
		target.send("target greets you service1");

		// the target-router should have routed automatically to the
		// 'dealer'-socket
		// so we should be able receive the message
		// the job of the dealer is to get the message and to pass it as it is
		// to the
		// proxy which is a router socket.
		ZMsg dealerIncomingMsg = ZMsg.recvMsg(dealer);
		// check if the routing-address is "service1"
		String dealerIncomingAddress = dealerIncomingMsg.peekFirst().toString();
		assert (dealerIncomingAddress.equals("service1"));
		// send the message as it is to the proxy-router. this will take the
		// first-line as routing-address
		// checks also if this address is known and if yes it will pass the rest
		// of the message automatically to this socket

		// Since service1-socket is connected to proxy-router and has the
		// identiy "service1" it should be able to receive
		// the message now.
		ZMsg service1Incoming = ZMsg.recvMsg(service1);
		String service1IncomingData = service1Incoming.popString();
		assert (service1IncomingData.equals("target greets you service1"));

		// now let's send a message from 'serivce2' to 'target'.
		// send the message to our own socket 'service2' which is connected to
		// proxy
		service2.send("hello target!");

		// therefore the data we send via service2 will end up in the
		// incoming-queue of proxy-socket
		ZMsg proxyIncomingMsg = ZMsg.recvMsg(proxy);
		// receiving(?) on a router-socket adds the address of the socket that
		// sent the message
		// to check the should beside the data there should now be an additional
		// address-line 'service2'
		String service2Address = proxyIncomingMsg.peekFirst().toString();
		assert (service2Address.equals("service2"));
		// send the message without doing something further to our dealer-proxy
		// which is connected to the target
		// therefore sending through 'dealer'-socket should make the message
		// available on target which is a router-socket.

		// receive the message
		ZMsg targetIncomingMsg = ZMsg.recvMsg(target);
		// since target is also a router there should be a 2nd additional
		// address-line that points to the dealer, who sent
		// data from the dealer-socket to this target-socket
		String dealerAddress = targetIncomingMsg.peekFirst().toString();
		assert (dealerAddress.equals("dealer"));

		String data = targetIncomingMsg.getLast().toString();
		System.out.println("Got message from service2:" + data);

		// To send data BACK we can reuse the message
		// 1. get rid of the old data
		// 2. add our new data
		targetIncomingMsg.addLast("Heyho, let's go!");
		// since in this message all routing information were created
		// automatically on the way from service1 to target
		// the message has everything its need to send data back to the caller

		// pass data from dealer to proxy (as we did when send directly from
		// target to service1 at the beginning)
		dealerIncomingMsg = ZMsg.recvMsg(dealer);

		// now we should get the data again on our service2-socket
		ZMsg service2IncomingMsg = ZMsg.recvMsg(service2);
		data = service2IncomingMsg.popString();
		assert (data.equals("Heyho, let's go!"));
		System.out.println("Get some data back from target:" + data);
