
Well,…when I took part at miniLD last time and again had some issues with getting my model exported from blender->jME (because of a fault of mine) I decided to switch to panda3d for that miniLD. And for now I plan to make a small break with jME and try to use panda3d instead. jME I will still use and still test every model I do to export… but I’m tired of try and error and just want to use a stable product. That is for me at the moment panda3d. I decided to start with a project (of course RPG :-D ) that I will take more time. All the compos are fun but it is enough for now. (Maybe the real LDs will be something to think of).

The plan for the RPG:

- use as much external models as possible. Rigging and animating takes enough time.

- for the story I try to use parts of a D&D-Book I found online. Don’t know if it is legal but when I’m ready with it for sure noone would even think about that this could have something to do with D&D :D

- Build as much reusable components as possible

Actually I already started with the project and want to learn during that the basics. At the moment I have just started with something like a class for figures (models) that just stays on the ground no matter where they are and where they move. That seems to work now….I started with a already ready class GravityWalker but that didn’t work for me. No clue why…. So I am back agin to ray and floor :D Actually all of this could have been done in jME as well but I will go on now with panda3d and will for sure find some good stuff that might be useful to implement in jME as well.

Aja,…additional I already created a makehuman-model used the rig and added some face-controlls for eyes and mouth. Actually he is looking like someone shot with a shotgun in the mouth but it is just a dummy character to use for NPC and PC during the engine-development…addtional I created a rigg for the beast! A great free model.

One Response to “panda3d-project”

  1. Meeta Says:

    Hi Tom,

    I am a Technical Editor working with Packt. We are planning to publish a book on Panda 3D. I am looking for technical reviewers to provide feedback on the content of the book. It would be of great help, if you would be willing to take it up. Please visit for more details regarding reviewing.We will also like you to know that you will be receiving two copies of the book once it is published and your name will be credited as well.

    You can reply me at


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