GGJ12 - Platformer

48h gamecoding resulted in a little platform-toolkit based on java(jME3) and blender. Too bad we had some problems inbetween and forgot to create the most important! Levels :D So the result is just a very small demo….

Launch via webstart:

Or get a standalone-version for you OS:

Windows | Linux | MacOSX

3 Responses to “GGJ12 - Platformer”

  1. qubodup Says:


    what ggj were you at? :)

  2. qubodup Says:

    Oh, have trouble starting the jws on Arch Linux 64bit because of missing 32bit libs obviously :)

  3. dertom Says:

    Hey Iwan! I was at ggj in cologne…great event!
    To the problem: I had to modify the bullet-binding and didn’t had a chance to compile it under a linux64 and win64,yet. I will try to find a sollution…

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