This is Tom's Blog, a brand new site by Thomas Trocha that's just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content
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Having problems starting ubuntu-linux looking like this? To make the long story short: * Grub > Advanced Options > Pick the latest kernel in rescue mode * In the rescue-menu: * 1) network * 2) root > login to your root account apt remove --purge nvidia-* ubuntu-drivers autoinstall That solved it for me.
I recently switched from Mate-Desktop (Ubuntu Mate) to KDE Plasma including Bismuth as tiling Window Manager. Tiling is really a new concept to me and I really have to get used to it. But I do like it so far. But... from time to time my KDE Taskbar is disappearing
That title sound a bit confusing so here an example: typedef struct { int x; int y; } point; typedef struct { int width; int height; point topLeft; } rectangle; Taking this example: If you got a pointer on a point-struct 'topleft' but don't know about the struct that contains
retro-platform-jam 5 is about to start and I think I will give GameBoyAdvanced a try. Not sure I will finish something due to the RoomGame and the NetworkGame need some love. But I could use it to write a new renderer for RoomGame. Ok, enough blabla. Here how to setup
Here a video of my beloved game made for 'retro gamejam': PS: Downloads via
EDIT: You can ignore most of the stuff written here. Rule of thumb. Classes will out of the box arrange the data-structures as good as possible, structs build their data-structure (JIT-wise) as the code tells if not [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto)] is set. The rest of the text might still be
Keeps aspect ratio find . -iname '*.png' -exec convert \{} -verbose -set filename:base "%[basename]" -resize 64x64 "./64x64/%[filename:base].png" \;`` Forces size: find . -iname '*.png' -exec convert \{} -verbose -set filename:base "%[basename]" -resize "64x64!" "./64x64/%[filename:base].png&
Ever came across this error on publishing a dotnet project that includes libs of your own: error NETSDK1097: It is not supported to publish an application to a single-file without specifying a RuntimeIdentifier. You must either specify a RuntimeIdentifier or set PublishSingleFile to false. E.g. using with
I had the problem that I tried to run urho3d-headless on our server for a small game-instance-server-test but got some 'illegal chipset' core dump-mayham. Our server is quite of age. Good that Urho has some options for this out of the box. There is a cmake-option: URHO3D_DEPLOYMENT_
Quick tip: If you are using c# in vs code and for some reason the c# language server omnisharp crashes (e.g. you are running/debugging test-cases (in my case xunit)) fastest way to get going again (also with Test to be triggered from within the editor, just restarting omnisharp
Just stumpled over a problem that I wanted to push a large file (400+mb) as part of a commit into our remote-repository but git ended up continuosly pushing 400+mb and then starting over without any progress. The long story short without knowing what why this fixes the problem:
All of a sudden (I guess after upgrading lots of libs in archlinux) qtCreator's (at the moment 4.15) debugging stopped working. I tested with gdb manually. Symbols were there and everything looked(!) fine. BUT not a single breakpoint was hit, and manully breaking ended up in the
Install tun2socks Create interface: sudo ip tuntap add dev tun0 mode tun user <someuser> sudo ifconfig tun0 netmask bind connection: badvpn-tun2socks --tundev tun0 --netif-ipaddr --netif-netmask --socks-server-addr This
Again playing with EnTT (ECS) which has a builtin mechanism that helps you (de)serialize a registry. You have to implement an 'archive' that (de)serializes the data. Here in the source-code I use nlohmann::json for this. In the end it was simpler than it seemed at
After part1(getting started) and part2(looking at generated code) now its time to generate bindings, but before that let's generate a Docker-Image that will create a docker-image with this lib installed. Generating additional files on the project-data you can add targets. There are multiple targets to choose
In the first part we saw how to create and build a zproject and in this part we will have a look at the code that is actually generated and add some methods to our class using an corresponding api-file. include/shouter.h: /* ========================================================================= shouter - class description Copyright (c) the
ZProject is a project skeleton generator that helps you create c-APIs and generate multiple build-targets(cmake,autotools,..) with multiple scripting-language-bindings(python,lua,...) . The single source of truth is that project.xml-File that controls what flows will run. The whole workflow is based on the GSL-Templating/Scripting-Tool. Disclaimer: I just started
If you have (like me) problems to get code-highlighting to work, here is my setup that works good enough for me. I actually use the first 'prism'-way but also added a 'highlight.js'-way. Go to the backend > code injection: Prism: header: <link
Here some samples of how to use nlohmann::json for (de)serialization Define a struct following macro in it: NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_INTRUSIVE(Struct-name, member1, member2,...) This will add everything needed for nlohmann::json to (de)serialize this struct. struct Tower{ std::string name; int type_id; float range; NLOHMANN_
I attended this years (online) global game jam('Headup Remote Jam 2021'). As always I want to use this weekend to kick myself in the butt to finish something in a solo-project. My setup was Urho3D, Blender using my Urho3D-Blender-Integration. The blender integration basically worked quite well, even
Lately I experienced problems using alt+tab for switching between applications in manjaro-linux using mate-desktop. The problem seems to be the little thumbsnails showing a current preview of the specific application. To get rid of the problem: Pererences > Windows Uncheck 'Enable software compositing window manager' Ref: https: