Archive for the ‘Developer’ Category

Creating svn-patches from ‘git svn’-repositories

Friday, August 31st, 2012

Since developing for gamekit using git svn (god bless you, git!) I always wondered why there is no way to create also svn-patches with git svn. I finally stumpled over a small script that can do the job. Actually it has a bug that prevents new files/directories to be valid for svn-patches that I fixed here:

Thx for the people that provided that piece of code.

Going Blender…

Thursday, August 9th, 2012

…since I use blender for a while (not that I’m very capabale in it) and being always on the bleeding edge by compiling the latest version daily, I made my first patch (request) today. :D
It is about using the navmesh-generator which automatically creates a navmesh using the selected objects.
That works quite good as long as you don’t use group-instances. So today I took me some time to get into it and somehow fix it. And actually I made it. Code is not very elegant, but that is a matter of time. I struggled over a bug that keeps crashing blender which I considered related to my code change,…actually they seem to be not related :D

So let’s see what happens. Would be an honor to contributed code to the best project of the world :D

(Beside gamekit, of course :D )

Eclipse Juno: How to restore the tab-behaviour of 3.x

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

From the 4.x-versions on it seems the tab-behaviour concerning open files has been changed. They seem to be just been set randomly and not sorted by recent use as before. That is a real …. Just found out how to come back to the old behaviour.

Window > Preferences > Appearance: Switch to Classic

And start smiling again :D

Btw: Found in here:

Bookmarks (actually worth a post of its own)

Just found something very useful: Eclipse Bookmarks with which you can (how surprising :D) bookmark code and jump to this every time you want it.

Just go to the line you want to be bookmarked.

Edit > Add Bookmark

And to view all the bookmarks. Open the bookmark-view:

Window->Show View->Other... > General > Bookmarks

This one is integrated in Eclipse for a very long time, but I never saw it :D

Let the ‘Wood Games 3D’ begin….

Saturday, July 28th, 2012

Since today the Olympic Games started in London, I think it is a good moment to bring my ‘baby’ Wood Games 3D back to mind. Actually it should be the official game for London 2012,… strange no one talked to me yet :D

Actually I love to see that even though the game ,somewhere in the market and hardly to find, is still played by people! Not making money with it…but I’m nevertheless very proud of it.

Here is the QR to your android-luck:


Feel free to tell everyone you know about it :D

Ah, almost forgot the cool trailer I made:

Not to forget: F95

Friday, July 27th, 2012

The promotion of my favorite football team Fortuna Düsseldorf, actually paralyzed me for about a month :D Not kidding…after 15years, WE ARE FINALLY BACK! (At least for a year :D). One thing I created was this image:

And since just one image wasn’t enough, here the clip:


Sunday, March 11th, 2012

Ok, finally I find some time to write something about “droidcon-hackathon”.

It was a real nice event where about 40-50 people were full of energy to write some android apps. There were some proposals about the topics but in the end everyone could decide what kind of app he wants to create.

Of course I wanted to create a game giving gamekit-engine another chance. (Btw, gamekit is an opensource engine, that let you write applications for win/mac/linux and IPhone/Android using Blender as SceneEditor and Lua and/or C++ as programming language) Some days before the event I made some experiments in how to get some data from the android java-side of life into the c++ engine. I wrote a jni-mapper that lets you inject messages from java to gamekit’s message system and also the other way round.


GGJ12 - Platformer

Monday, January 30th, 2012

48h gamecoding resulted in a little platform-toolkit based on java(jME3) and blender. Too bad we had some problems inbetween and forgot to create the most important! Levels :D So the result is just a very small demo….

Launch via webstart:

Or get a standalone-version for you OS:

Windows | Linux | MacOSX

C++ Remote Debugging with Eclipse CDT (Linux)

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

Just for people that want to remote debug an application.

(Plz mention:You have to compile your application in debug-mode!!!)

First you need to install gdb and gdbserver:

sudo apt-get install gdb gdbserver

Then you have to start the server. The server waits on a given port until gdb from the host connects:

gdbserver host:10000 your_app
(e.g. gdbserver localhost:10000 AppOgreKit )

Now you have to switch to eclipse.

Click the RUN-Menu and navigate to the ‘Debug Configuration’. There you have to select ‘C/C++ Remote Application’ and click the small yellow plus icon on top of the dialog to create a new Remote Application.

Now you can check the default settings in the Debugger-Tab->Connection. Choose here the host where the server is running and the corresponding port.

Press Debug and the local gdb will call the gdb-server that starts the application on the server.

Wood Games - Trailer

Sunday, September 18th, 2011

Here the new “Wood Games”-Traiĺer! Go share and tweet this

How to survive a game jam!

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

Just wrote down some advices on how to survive a game jam (having ludum dare 48h-competition in my head). Have a look here: